101+ Ganpati Bappa Caption & Status For Instagram

You might be looking for a beautiful collection of Ganpati Bappa Attitude Status, Caption, and Quotes in English and Hindi For Instagram, Whatsapp DP, and Facebook stories.

We have created some awesome pictures and greeting cards for you so that you can collect them to share with friends.

Ganpati Bappa is another name of Lord Ganesha. People love to send status on social media with quotes and text containing blessings from Lord ganesh.

Lord Ganesha Whatsapp Status Images

lord ganesha whatsapp dp status and quote with photo
lord Ganesha WhatsApp DP, status and quote

May Lord Ganesh bring you good luck and prosperity!

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Lord Vinayaka photo status

May Lord Ganesh shower you with success in all your Endeavours.

ganapati bappa morya status in english for Whatsapp DP
Ganapati Bappa Morya status in English for Whatsapp DP

May you find all the delights of life,
May your all dreams come true.
Ganpati Bappa Morya!

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Images of Ganesha for Facebook or fb

May Lord Ganesha, the mentor and protector of evil bless you and enrich your life.

ganesha photos for whatsapp DP
Ganesha photos for WhatsApp DP

Lord Ganesha Is Our Mentor And Protector. May He Enrich Your Life By Always Giving You Great Beginnings And Removing Obstacles From Your Life!

May Hindus worship God Ganesha every day. They also like to spread his name and blessings. So, they use the quotes images and send them to social media.

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Shree Ganesha WhatsApp status

May the power of Deva Shree Ganesha
Destroy your sorrows
Enhance your happiness
And create goodness all around you!

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Lord Ganesha wallpaper WhatsApp with status and quotes

In heaven Lord Ganesh will establish the predominance of gods, on earth that of people, in the nether world that of serpents and anti-gods…

God Ganesha Whatsapp DP Photos

lord ganesh ji whatsapp DP with pic
Lord Ganesh Ji WhatsApp DP with pic

May Lord Ganesha shower blessings on you.

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Bal Ganesha status images for Whatsapp DP

I pray that Ganesha bestows you with happiness, wisdom, good health and prosperity!

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best Ganesh WhatsApp status images

May lord Ganpati bless you…
with the treasure of…
Health, Wealth & Happiness…

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cute Ganesha WhatsApp DP

May Lord Ganpati always be by your side in every test of your life.

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Shree Ganesha pics for WhatsApp DP with quotes

May the blessings of Shree Ganesha be with you and your family forever!

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Shri Ganesh Ji Whatsapp status

I pray to Lord Ganesha that may you have a prosperous and long life.

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lord Ganesha Whatsapp wallpaper HD

I pray to God for your prosperous life.
May you find all the delights of life
May ur all Dreams come true.

Shree Ganesha Quotes in English

ganesha whatsapp dp in english with image
Ganesha WhatsApp DP in English

May Lord Ganesha bless you with all the happiness & success.

lord ganesha whatsapp dp in english with photo
Lord Ganesha Whatsapp DP in English

May Lord Ganesha Bless You With Worldly Bounties And Keep You And Your Family Protected From Obstacles At All Times!

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Ganesh Bhagwan status for WhatsApp DP

May the grace of God keep enlightening your lives and bless you always.

Lord ganesh whatsapp status in english with photo
Lord Ganesh status

I ask God to make you smile, and guide you safely through every mile. Grant you wealth, give you health and most of all love you well.

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Ganesh Ji ka status in English for WhatsApp

I heartily wish Lord Ganesha filled your home with prosperity and fortune.

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Ganesh Ji ke status for WhatsApp DP

May the Blessings of
Lord Ganesha Always Be Upon You!

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Shri Ganesh quotes download for WhatsApp profile

If you take home a stone and worship it in full faith, over a course of time you are bound to see the image of Ganesh.

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Shree Ganesha quote images for WhatsApp DP

May Lord Ganesha destroy all your worries, sorrows and tensions and fill your life with love and happiness.

Ganpati Bappa Caption for Instagram in Hindi

ganpati bappa morya whatsapp status in hindi
Ganpati Bappa Morya WhatsApp status in Hindi

हे गणराया तेरे बिना मैं,
आदिस्तुताय कहा चला में,
आकार लेने चला ख्वाब मेरा,
साकार होने लगा ख्वाब मेरा,
गणपति बाप्पा मौर्या।।

lord ganesha ganpati bappa status in hindi text
lord Ganesha status in Hindi text

सुखा करता जय मोरया,
दुख हरता जय मोरया;
कृपा सिन्धु जय मोरया,
बूढ़ी विधाता मोरया;
गणपति बप्पा मोरया,
मंगल मूर्ती मोरया।।

Ganpati bappa god ganesha ji status in hindi for whatsapp
God Ganesha Ji status in Hindi

मेरे लाडले मेरे गणपति प्यारे,
तुम शिव बाबा की आँखों के तारे,
मेरी आँखों में तेरी सूंदर मूरत,
किरणों जैसे चमके तेरी प्यारी सूरत…

You can use these amazing photos for special days like Vinayaka Chaturthi. However, Ganapati Bappa is one of the most worshipped gods. So, you can use this Status every day.

Ganpati bappa caption in hindi for whatsapp
Ganpati bappa caption in hindi for whatsapp

भगवान श्री गणेश की कृपा,
बनी रहे आप हर दम।
हर कार्य में सफलता मिले,
जीवन में न आये कोई गम।

ganpati bappa ganesha status in hindi with photo
Ganpati Bappa status images

जय गणेश जय गणेश जय गणेश देवा
माता जाकी पार्वती पिता महादेवा।।

ganesh ji attitude status in hindi with images for Whatsapp DP
Ganesh Ji attitude status in Hindi for Whatsapp DP

भक्ति गणपति,

शक्ति गणपति,

सिद्धि गणपति,

लक्ष्मी गणपति,

महा गणपति।।

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Ganesh puja status

गणेश की ज्योति से नूर मिलता हैं
सबके दिलो को सुरूर मिलता हैं
जो भी जाता हैं गणेश के द्वार
कुछ न कुछ उन्हें जरूर मिलता हैं।

Ganesh Ji Attitude Status in Hindi for Whatsapp

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Ganesh Ji photo status with lotus image

सब शुभ कारज में पहले पूजा तेरी,
तुम बिना काम ना सरे, अरज सुन मेरी!!
रिध सिध को लेकर करो भवन में फेरी,
करो ऐसी कृपा नित करूँ मैं पूजा तेरी!!

Ganpati captions for Instagram in hindi
Ganpati captions for Instagram in hindi

एक दो तीन चार.. गणपति की जय जय कार
पांच छे सात हाथ.. गणपति है सबके साथ…

ganpati bappa lord ganesha status in hindi with photo
New lord Ganesha status photo in Hindi

सुख करता जय मोरया,

दुख हरता जय मोरया।।

ganpati bappa lord ganesha attitude status in hindi with pic
Lord Ganesha attitude status pic in Hindi

कर दो हमारे जीवन से दुःख दर्दो का नाश,
चिंतामन कर दो कृपा पूरण सबके काज।।

status for ganpati bappa in hindi with pictures
status for Ganpati Bappa with pictures

प्यार क्या है ये खुद किये बिना समझता नही वैसे ही मुंबई मतलब क्या ये गणपति बप्पा के आये बिना समझता नही।।

ganpati bappa hindi shayari status with images for Whatsapp
Ganpati Bappa Hindi Shayari with images

आते बड़े धूम धाम से गणपति जी,
जाते बड़े धूम धाम से गणपति जी,
आखिर सबसे पहले आकर,
हमारे दिलो में बस जाते गणपति जी…

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Ganpati Bappa Fb status images download

दिल से जो भी मांगोगे मिलेगा
ये गणेश जी का दरबार है,
देवों के देव वक्रतुंडा महाकाया को
अपने हर भक्त से प्यार है!!

ganpati bappa caption in hindi for Whatsapp DP
Ganpati Bappa caption Hindi mai for Whatsapp DP

गणेश जी का रूप निराला हैं
चेहरा देखो कितना भोला भाला हैं
जब भी हम पर आए कोई मुसीबत
गणेश जी ने ही तो हमे संभाला हैं!

Ganapati Bappa Hindi Quotes

ganpati bappa hindi quotes for Whatsapp
Ganpati Bappa attitude status for Whatsapp

आपका सुख गणेश के पेट जितना बड़ा हो
आपका दुःख उंदर जैसा छोटा हो,
आपकी लाइफ गणेश जी की सूंड जितनी बड़ी हो
आपके बोल मोदक जैसे मीठे हो।

ganpati bappa status for Whatsapp DP with pic
Ganpati Bappa quotes for Whatsapp DP

गणपति जी का सर पर हाथ हो,

हमेशा उनका साथ हो;

खुशियों का हो बसेरा,

करे शुरुआत बप्पा के गुणवान से मंगल फिर हर काम हो!

ganpati bappa attitude status in hindi with images
Ganesh Ji attitude status in Hindi

परंपरा हम भी निभाते है, मोरया की वंदना हम भी करते है,
गर्व से बजाते है और बाप्पा को भी नचाते है, इसलिए तो कहता हूं, बाप्पा बाप्पा मोरया!!

ganpati bappa status and quotes download with images in hindi
Ganpati Bappa status and quotes in Hindi

सांसे थाम कर रखो, कुछ हलचल होने वाली है,
ढोल ताशे की आवाज़ से गणपति बप्पा आने वाले है!!

ganpati bappa whatsapp status and DP download in hindi
Lord Ganesha quotes in Hindi

बाप्पा के पप्पा की सेवा बहोत कर ली,

अब बाप्पा स्वयं आ रहे है,

गणपति का रूप निराला है,

चहरा भी कितना भोला भाला है,

जब भी आयी मुझे मुसीबत,

उसे गजानंद महाराज ने संभाला है।।

If you like our collection, feel free to share it with others.

You can get more Ganapati Bappa status for Instagram.

Good morning status wishes with Ganesh Ji